As a homeowner a home inspection is a must, whether your house is new or old. A wind insurance inspection is another step that you can take in protecting your home - and it can even get you insurance premium reductions in some cases. The inspection will look at the features of your home that limit the damage that intense winds could cause. Mitigating factors include: whether your shingles meet code specifications, whether you have roofing fasteners and hurricane strappings, as well as how well your windows are protected.
What is wind mitigation? Wind mitigation is the implementation of certain building techniques used to limit the damage caused by intense wind. It specifically targets the structural or nonstructural aspects that prevent damage caused by high winds that occur during natural disasters. As you could probably guess, in Florida, the primary concern is wind damage caused by hurricanes. You want to be prepared for any natural disasters that are out of your control, especially when you have the control of making sure your home is inspected and insured at the very least.
Where do I start? The first step in successfully mitigating your home from wind damage is to schedule an inspection. Although inspections do cost money, the insurance savings and increased safety are well worth it! There are several wind mitigation features that you can implement to protect your home from damages and cause your inspection to go well. These include:
- Water Barriers: sealing your roof deck prevents water intrusion during heavy storms.
- Roof to Foundation Anchoring: anchoring helps your home resist strong winds by reinforcing the walls.
- Window and Door Coverings: shatterproof windows and storm shutters are great options for protecting your windows from wind and debris during storms.
Why Mitigate? Along with protecting your home, wind mitigation features can help you save money on insurance. According to the Florida Division of Emergency Management, anywhere between 15%-70% of homeowners insurance premiums in Florida can be attributed to the risk of wind damage (depending on your home and location). In fact, wind mitigation insurance is the only inspection that is almost guaranteed to result in some level of insurance discount on your insurance premium.